Microjob Marketplace
Finds Job
Through Finds Job, a worker can do the work he likes and can skip the work that is difficult or show incapacity and do other work. A worker must submit proper proof, otherwise a buyer will review his work and give a dissatisfaction rate.
If a job poster or buyer does not give a Satisfy rate even after your submitted job is correct, you can report the job within 24 hours. If there is a 24 hour delay you will not be able to report. Your submitted work will be rated within 6 days. If the buyer or job poster doesn't rate after six days, they will get auto payment for those jobs.
Post Job
A job poster can select a country of his choice to post a job and also get targeting job category and worker. A service fee of 5% will be deducted for each job. Your posted work will be reviewed and rated within a maximum of six days.
If a worker's submitted work is not rated within six days, the worker will get auto payment. If a worker submits any wrong work, you can report against that worker. GigClickers always rejects irrelevant work. After a user does the right thing, you can give them tips or bonus if you like, it's your choice and GigClickers never force you to give it.
Job approval conditions
The full rules for approving any posted job are to follow the GigClickers rules. Any job must be posted according to category and subcategory otherwise the posted job will not be approved.
No jobs may be posted that violate the privacy of any platform or worker. Posting such jobs will also not be approved.
Revision Job
If a buyer or job poster wants a worker to do something wrong, they can revise it and get it done. If a work is sent for revision, if no worker does it within 24 hours, then the work will be canceled from that worker and another new worker will get that work.
When a worker receives a job revision from a job poster or buyer, it must be resubmitted and if a worker does not complete the work within 24 hours, it will be automatically unsatisfied.
If a buyer or job poster or worker engages in any form of fraud by sending or submitting a job for revision, please contact GigClickers Support immediately. GigClickers Marketplace will investigate the complaint and take action if evidence is found.
Increase Job
If you want any job poster, you can increase the worker in any running job, and even in the completed job, you can increase the worker as you want and restart it.
Boost Job
Any job poster can get any job boost at any time. The benefit of boosting is that you will get any posted job to the top of Finds Jobs. You get a maximum of ten minutes from the Boost Job to boost the posted job.
Delete Job
Any job poster can delete any posted job. And the previous rule for job deletion is that all the work done by the job's workers must be rated. If a job is left to be rated, the job will not be deleted.