Deal Marketplace

Post Deal (Seller)

A seller can advertise any online service, product or offer from Deal Post. And no charge will be taken from the seller to give this advertisement. Seller can advertise any online service or offer for sale by specifically targeting a country.

Confirm Delivery 

When a buyer is interested in purchasing that offer or service, they can directly message the seller to exchange information. Whenever a buyer requests to purchase a service or offer, the buyer's request to purchase the service or offer will appear in the seller's offer panel. Once the offer or service delivery is complete, confirm the delivery by clicking on the confirm delivery option.

Responsibility of the seller

Never give yes to confirm delivery option without fully completing any offer or service If so you don't complete the deal then keep the buyer request as the deal will be auto canceled when the deal expires.

If the seller has delivered an offer or service but the buyer unreasonably rejected the request, contact live support within 24 hours. After 24 hours your complaint will not be entertained and the buyer will get a refund of the deal payment.

Order Service (Buyer)

No charges are deducted from the buyer to purchase any offer or service on GigClickers and the charge you see at the time of purchase is the local gateway VAT.

Receive Delivery 

Be sure to talk to the seller when confirming a service order. After the order is confirmed, the seller will deliver the service or offer to you within the order duration. When receiving this delivery must see if you understand everything? If you have received all then press yes from receive delivery option from your order panel. And if you have not received the delivery then press the option no from the receive delivery option and write a detailed report and submit.

Confirmation Order

When you confirm receive delivery then the deal will be completed immediately and if you press no option from receive delivery then the deal will go to review with gigclickers support. The support team will review it within 24 hours and provide a feedback. If you do not receive the delivery, your payment will be refunded.

Fraud Alert 

GigClickers team has the ability to take any action against the buyer or seller if any buyer or seller commits any fraud or any act which is against the policy of the marketplace. Because the marketplace does not support any kind of cheating.