Location of small and large jobs

GigClickers is an open online marketplace that connects employers and skilled workers.

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Select Country

The employer can follow any country as per his desire through post job, any social job and other tasks can be done easily through the employees.

Review Job

The employer must review and rate the work given by the employer within a maximum of six days. If the employer does not rate the jobs within six days, the workers will get them auto-rated.

Rate Job

The employer will have control over the work performed by each employee. Employers will review each worker's performance and rate it satisfactorily or unsatisfactorily.

Report Job

For any reason, the employer thinks that the worker will redo the work and submit it again, then the worker must be paid for revising the work. If the revision work is not done within 24 hours then it will be auto unsatisfied.


Submit Job

Worker can complete and submit any job as per his wish from Finds Job. The worker must read each task carefully and then complete it.

Revision Job

The worker must be accountable to the employer for the work done. If the completed works are sent by the employer for revision then they should be completed and submitted within 24 hours.

Report Job

After the worker receives a rate from the employer for each job, if the employer does not pay correctly after the job is done, the worker can report against the work given by the employer. This must be done within 24 hours.

Complete Job

Complete jobs with GigClickers. May unemployment always be removed. May life be sweeter

Share & Earn


Invite your friend to GigClickers platform and get special bonus. Every deposit and job also has a special task bonus.

What are you getting in each invitation?

  • If your friend accepts the invitation, you will get 3% of his work bonus
  • You will get an instant 5% bonus on the deposit of the friend who accepts the invitation

Get Started

Frequently asked Questions

The attractive advantage for employers is that the work can be efficiently done here at relatively low cost compared to other platforms.

A worker can work as he likes here. GigClickers respects the value of his skillful work.

The jobs offered by the employer can be pending for a maximum of six days and if the rate is not given within six days, it will be auto satisfied.

Job approval fee is 5%. This approval fee works to help monitor reviews and the marketplace.

Open a ticket directly from the support menu to get help from the GigClickers support team. For general complaints email: [email protected]